
Pictures from our decompression stop in Amboseli National Park:

Cheetah. My favorite big cat. They are beautiful.

An elephant saying hello.

Same elephant, with Kilimanjaro in the background. The clouds move in pretty much every afternoon and cover the top, as below.

Same Kilimanjaro. Different animals.

A baboon. We were surprised how few we saw. They are usually all over.

Dramatic sky with wildebeests.

Ostriches. The male is black, the female brown.

Grey crowned crane:

Wildebeests below. The lighting makes it look like a painting.

African traffic jam. She stood there on the little bridge for 45 minutes. No one could get by. But a few people had a great photo op.

We saw many lively hippos.

Pink flamingoes on a glassy lake. The reflections of the sky are dramatic.

I believe he’s an African hornbill.

This guy was a long ways away, but look at those tusks! Very impressive.

And from very large to very small: A dragonfly.

Male lion. Also a ways away.

Kilimanjaro in the morning with unfortunately placed power lines. You have to be careful where you stop for such photo ops outside the parks. The land isn’t Maasai owned, but is under their control/management. They have been known to swoop down on safari tourists and demand payment for photo rights.


Oloolua 2 and NWHC